BLM & Indigenous Resources
To our Fast Times family,
In light of the recent protests both at home and overseas, the team here at Fast Times have been taking the time to educate ourselves and talk with those already doing valuable work.
Our goal is to figure out how to really be a part of positive change on an ongoing basis.
Whilst we have a number of really exciting discussions in the works for future projects, we feel one of the most powerful things we can all do right now is to share what we are learning with our communities.
With that in mind we have compiled a list below of resources that we hope will help progress the conversation and inspire all of us to identify opportunities for growth.
The list covers many topics so we hope you find something that resonates with you as we have.
We love this quote - "This is a movement, not a moment". What a great attitude to carry forward together.
With love, The Fast Times team.
Otis Carey: Listen and Learn Instead of Trying to Argue
Growing Up Aborigibal in Australia
North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency